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QuinnRoss Energy team have built a strong reputation as specialist consultants in the energy and sustainability field for the construction industry. For over 13 years we have been working with some of the UK’s best known names in construction to reduce their workloads and risk while finding the most cost-effective and appropriate route to compliance.

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    Solar Panels are the worth it?

    Posted in Education on Jun 27, 2024.

    We are all looking for ways to reduce our energy bills. One way is solar panels, the demand for which has skyrocketed. With more than 1.3 million rooftops across the UK now having solar panels installed and with the cost of solar panels reduced massively over the past decade its worth asking if they are now worth it?

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    What are BREEAM categories?

    Posted in Education on Apr 30, 2024.

    BREEAM covers several categories that address sustainability factors including lowering carbon emissions, low impact design, design durability & more. Each category is divided into different categories with their own aims.

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    What is BREEAM?

    Posted in Education on Apr 25, 2024.

    What is BREEAM? BREEAM stands for Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method, it is a widely recognized measure of a building's environmental performance and sustainability. The BREEAM method is increasingly becoming a mandatory requirement by local planning authorities.

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    Will Energy Prices Go Down?

    Posted in Industry News on Mar 14, 2024.

    Will energy prices go down? How can I reduce my energy bills? Read on for information released on February 23rd and what it could mean for you.

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    Don't Block Out The Sun

    Posted in Education on Sep 06, 2023.

    We've recently had an increase in requests for Daylight and Sunlight Assessments so we wanted to take a moment to explain what they are why you might need one.

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