Our services


SAP Calculations

What are they?

The residential Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) has become a stable of the housing market for the last 20 years. They are used, through accredited energy assessors, by the government to monitor the countries housing stock for its national energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Who needs them?

If you are building a new dwelling, selling an existing dwelling, buying an existing dwelling, renting or leasing a dwelling of any kind then it is a legal requirement to have these calculations performed. Failure to do so results in fines.

Can anyone do them?

No. They must be performed by an accredited Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) or On-Construction Domestic Energy Assessor (OCDEA), which of course QuinnRoss Energy are fully qualified to do and have decades of experience.

So the cheapest is best for such a formality assessment?

Again, no. Sadly this is an area of the industry that receives the most abuse from less scrupulous professionals who cut corners and go below the board. An EPC for £50 may sound great, however, the likelihood of it not being done legitimately for this sum is very high, and you as the consumer will be left with the consequences which could be financial. Always go with approved assessors, cheapest isn’t always best!

Need Help With Your Project?

Contact one of our energy assessors today on 01795 845 780, or email us at hello@quinnross.energy


RIBA stages

When do I need SAP Calculations?

Services for RIBA 0 - 7

Whether you need a SAP for a bungalow, or overheating analysis for a penthouse, our technical specialists will work with you to find the best solutions for compliance within your deadlines and budget, explaining them in plain English.